Published: 22 Nov 2023

The EnableNSW team would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all NSW Health clinicians who have accessed their EnableNSW Online account since 31 July 2023 and provided their feedback about their user experience. This feedback has been invaluable, driving continuous improvements and shaping enhancements to the existing system, including:

  • introducing a background timer to prompt clinicians to regularly save their application,
  • the implementation of a save button to ensure clinicians don’t lose their work on a particular page of the application. This is especially important for clinicians who may need to leave their application, while their computer is idle.
  • a red box appearing when a question has been missed, and
  • clearance items are now more visible in the catalogue.

‘Since go live, there have been reported incidents by clinicians that have allowed us to make real time improvements to the system, and this in turn has enhanced the overall user experience. Please continue to send these through as regularly as you can,’ said Jackie Hiller, Manager EnableNSW.

While the system can only be accessed by NSW Health clinicians at this stage, it is encouraging to see clinicians outside of the NSW Health network reference the EnableNSW equipment catalogue to help complete the Equipment Request Forms (ERFs). The EnableNSW equipment catalogue currently hosts over 20,000 items and has clear descriptions of available products, images, and good filtering capabilities. It will continue to be updated over time.

The user authentication and privacy issues that have prevented private clinicians from accessing EnableNSW Online are continuing to be investigated. The privacy of all clinicians and their patients is of critical importance, including equitable access to the system, which is why this work will remain a priority for the team.

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