Assistance Provided

Types of Assistive Technology provided by EnableNSW

EnableNSW provides assistive technology in four categories:

  • Communication
  • Mobility
  • Respiratory function

Schedule of assistive technology (PDF)

Equipment provided may be new or reissued. Further information regarding requesting for stock item is available at Equipment Allocation Program.

The EnableNSW Funding Criteria outline specific information regarding the criteria for each category and the annual allocations for consumables. These have been developed for each specific equipment category in consultation with external experts and stakeholders.

Professional Criteria for Prescribers (PDF) provides information about the professional qualification and level of experience required by eligible health professionals to prescribe each specific item.

EnableNSW provides the most cost-effective, clinically appropriate equipment that meets a person's assessed functional need and that is consistent with the EnableNSW Funding Criteria.

Equipment provided must support people to live safely and manage their health needs in their home and community, rather than provide treatment for acute and chronic care episodes, except for oxygen and some respiratory equipment.

General Exclusions

EnableNSW does not provide the following:

  • reimbursements for items self-purchased by people
  • part funding towards different or preferred models/brands. However, people may self-fund additional accessories
  • items costing under $100
  • items that do not comply with Australian Standards or are not registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration, as applicable
  • items that when in use will restrict the rights or freedom of movement of a person
  • non-disability specific items that are commercially available, such as computers, mobile phone, tablets or furniture
  • installation and ongoing telecommunication/internet costs
  • vehicle modifications
  • cochlear implants, bone anchored hearing aids, hearing aids and assistive listening equipment
  • prosthetic eyes, ears, nose and breasts.